Brave Koreans with intelligence and common sense 知性と常識を備えた勇敢な韓国人

Even if the organized groups with anti-Japan propaganda, educational institutions, or false stories try to cover up the historical truth relating to Japan, some Koreans who have intelligence and common sense can find the truth by themselves. However, to know the truth is one thing, it is quite another to express it to the public in South Korea.

The following people are the brave Koreans who publicly expressed their findings and opinions about Japan with the point of objective historical view. As a consequence, they have been persecuted physically and mentally by anti-Japan Koreans and their wire-pullers and South Korean government (the prosecution and the judiciary). South Korea does not guarantee the freedom of speech for the objective view of Korean history during the annexation by Imperial Japan. But the wakened Koreans will not quit fighting for their freedom of speech.

The alphabets of the names below may not be correct. (Family Name, Given Name) 名前の英字綴りは正しく無いかもしれない(姓、名)
Kim, Wan-sŏp (김, 완섭) , born in 1963
Journalist and Writer.

Mr. Kim grew up with anti-Japan education like many other Koreans and became a journalist who hates Japan. However, while he was staying in Australia, he met many Japanese and received unfiltered information about Japan. Then, he realized that the knowledge of Japan derived from anti-Japan education was something wrong.

Mr. Kim started to study the real life in Korea during the annexation of Korea by Imperial Japan. Then in 2002, he wrote a book, “Excuse for pro-Japanese”, which contents denied many events in the life taught through anti-Japan education. In Korea, anti-Japan people sued him to try to ban the book. They couldn't stop its publishing, but they won the suit to designate it as an adult book because of the fallacious reason that the book was harmful for youth.

As a result, his book became a porn-book and has to be covered by opaque vinyl and sold at adult corner only. Who buys a history book at porno-book shops? However, this harassment to Mr. Kim can assure the readers that his book, “Excuse for pro-Japanese, is telling the truth.
金 完燮 김 완섭 キム・ワンソプ、1963年生まれ



Oh, Son-howa (오, 선화), born in 1956
Social critic and Professor of Takushoku University in Japan.

Ms. Oh was born in Jeju-do (Island) of Korea. Before going to school, she often heard that her village people including her mother spoke well of Japan. But as soon as her school days began, she was taught many bad things with false events and malicious exaggeration about Japan through anti-Japan education and then she became to hate Japan soon. This change from good to bad in her mind gave her an anxiety about Japan.

While staying in Japan for study later, Ms. Oh realized the life here and people here are different from what she was taught in school. Over time, she could overcome her anxiety came from the gap between good things that her mother told about Japan and bad ones that she learned from anti-Japan education at school.

Later Ms. Oh became naturalized in Japan. She severely criticizes Korea and its anti-Japan propaganda and encourages Korean people to overcome their hatred and inferiority complex against Japan. As her criticism made anti-Japan people angry very much in Korea, she received harassments such as the entry prohibition to Korea by the Korean government.

Despite many other harassments from anti-Japan people in Korea, Ms. Oh does not quit to criticize Korean society contaminated by the anti-Japan propaganda.
呉 善花 오 선화 オ・ソンファ、1956年生まれ



その後、呉氏は日本に帰化した。彼女は韓国とその反日宣伝を厳しく批判し、 韓国人が持つ日本に対しての憎しみと劣等感を、乗り越えるよう訴えている。彼女の批判は母国の反日韓国人を酷く怒らせ、韓国政府から韓国への入国を拒否されるなどの、嫌がらせを受けている。

Cho, Yon-nam (조, 영남), born in 1945
South Korean singer and television personality

In 2005, Mr. Cho wrote a book with the long title of "Pro-Japan declaration in the preparedness for death by beating.": subtitle “It is only Korea to make a fool of Japan in the world.”

What he wants to talk about in this book was "Korea has already developed enough. There is no need to make a fool of Japan any more." He insisted that Korea must get over the inferiority complex came from the Annexation of Korean Empire by The Empire of Japan.

He was a very popular TV personality at that time, but because of the book, he received organized persecution from people of anti-Japan and was kicked out from the TV program.
趙 英男 조 영남 チョ・ヨンナム、1945年生まれ



Yi, Yon-fun (이 영훈) born in 1951
Professor Emeritus of Economics at Seoul National University and the president of the Naksungdae Institute of Economic Research (2008)

He insisted that:
1. Korean history textbooks used in Korean schools have the distorted writings such as "The Koreans were deprived of land and food during the colonial period by Empire Japan."
2. What we know about the colonial period is the Koreans' collective memory made up and given by the education in many cases.
3. Comfort women are prostitutes.

He has been receiving very hard bashing from anti-Japan groups.
李 栄薫 이 영훈 イ・ヨンフン、1951年生まれ

2. 私たちが植民地時代について知っている韓国人の集団的記憶は多くの場合、作られたもので、教育されたものだ
3. 従軍慰安婦は売春業

Pak, Kun-ryon (박 근령), born in 1954
A sister of Park Geun Hye(박근혜, the 11th President of South Korea)

In 2015, during an interview at Konoura Airport and following TV interviews, she made controversial comments such as:
* We have to be pro-Japan.
* My father, Park Chung-hee (Former President of South Korea 1920-1950) achieved the diplomatic normalization between South Korea and Japan fifty years ago. Since then, the aid and support brought from Japan became the driving force of South Korea's economic development.
* I have been fighting against the group of people who like any news to blame Japan.
* When we try to do good, there are always people who put water into our wine and who interfere us being a friend. We have to be vigilant against such people. I think wise a person can understand this.
* People who criticized my father as a pro-Japan enjoy the benefits from the economic development.

Ms. Pak, Kun-ryon has been receiving great antipathy from anti-Japan people because of those comments.
朴 槿令 박 근령 パク・クンリョン、1954年生まれ
第11代韓国大統領、朴槿惠박근혜(Park Geun Hye)の実の妹

「50年前に父の朴正煕Park Chung-hee(チョンヒ박정희1963-1979)元大統領が成し遂げた日韓国交正常化に伴う日本からの援助が、韓国の経済発展の原動力になった」、
An Byeong-jik (안 병직), born in 1936
Professor Emeritus at Seoul National University and a co-founder of the Naksungdae Institute of Economic Research

Mr. An investigated the South Korean prostitutes (comfort women) (during Asia-Pacific War) together with the South Korean Teishin-Tai Problem Countermeasure Council. They identified only two prostitutes (comfort women), Kim Hak-sun (金学順 김학순) and Mun Otk-chyu (文玉珠 문옥주), who were forced to do so.

In his comment in a newspaper: The problem is the forced recruiting. Some prostitutes (comfort women ) made testimonies that they were recruited by force. However, South Korean and Japanese governments did not find any objective data which prove the forced recruiting.

He said, "I quit the project after three years (investigation) work, because their (South Korean Teishin-Tai Problem Countermeasure Council's) purpose is to make a quarrel with Japan, but not to understand the true nature of prostitutes (comfort women) and stop the current suffering of prostitution (comfort work) phenomena."
安 秉直 안 병직アン・ビョンジク、1936年生まれ



Cho, Ki-ho (최 기호), born in 1923
Kaya University Guest Professor

He criticizes the trend in South Korea that the (anti-Japan) groups use the word of Shin-Nichi-ha (Japan friendly or pro-Japan group) as a tool to attack their political enemy.
崔 基鎬 최 기호 チェ・キホ、1923年生まれ

* Remarks of Shin-Nichi-ha
The anti-Japan people in Korea seek to define the word of Shin-Nichi-ha (Japan friendly or pro-Japan group) as betrayers or traitors. They always put Shin-Nichi-ha label to the people who do not share their idea that Japan did only bad things during the annexation of Korea and abducted thousands of Korean girls for prostitution (comfort work) during Asia-Pacific War.

Neutral stance, objective opinion, or academic study, they don't care. They are so aggressive that ordinary South Koreans afraid to be labeled with Shin-Nichi-ha. This is just like a witch hunt in Medieval Europe.
* 親日派について

Han, Sun-jyo (한 승조) , born 1930
Political scientist

When he was a professor emeritus of Goguryeo University, he posted a claim, "Annexation of Korean by Japan should be blessed," on Seiron Magazine, a Japanese monthly Journal April issue in 2005. He received very severe criticism from political and mass communication communities in South Korea.
韓 昇助 한 승조ハン・スンジョ、1930年生まれ

Yoo, Sun-ha (유 순하), born in 1943

He was born in Kyoto, Japan, went back to South Korea after Asia-Pacific War, and became a literature writer. He published a controversial book "Your Japan" in 2014. In this book he criticized anti-Japan trend in South Korea and claimed that anti-Japan feeling of Koreans comes from their inferiority complex against Japanese.
柳 舜夏 유 순하ユ・スンハ、1943年生まれ

。戦後、韓国に帰国。純文学の作家。実名で「反日韓国」を批判した問題作、「당신들의 일본(あなたたちの日本)」を発表。邦題「韓国人の癇癪。日本人の微笑み」。韓国人の反日感情は、日本人への劣等感と批判。
Pak, Yu-ha (박 유하), born in 1957
Professor at the College of Liberal Arts, Sejong University in Korea

Dr. Pak published a scholarly book "Comfort Women of the Empire" in August, 2013. (Comfort Women: Korean prostitutes during Asia-Pacific War) Since then, she has been receiving persecution over the content of this book from anti-Japan groups politically and judiciary.

In June, 2014, the former South Korean prostitutes (comfort women) during the war filed the lawsuit in both civil and criminal court, claiming that Dr. Pak's book had defamed them.

In February, 2015, the district court in eastern Seoul decided the provisional disposition which asked the removal of 34 parts in her book such as "Korean comfort women's pain had basically no difference from that of Japanese prostitutes" and "The entities that abducted and forcefully took Korean comfort women were not Japanese army at least in the land of Korea, or not officially".

On January 25, 2017, the district court in eastern Seoul pronounced not guilty for the defamation. The prosecution appealed.

On October 27, 2017, the Seoul High Court sentenced a conviction to order Dr. Pak to pay a fine of 10 million won (about 9 thousand dollar).

* South Korea does not guarantee the freedom of speech for the objective view of Korean history during the annexation by Imperial Japan.
朴 裕河 박 유하パク・ユハ、1957年生まれ






* 韓国は統治時代の客観的歴史観のための言論の自由を保障しない。
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