Simple chronicle of Korean Peninsula and related events 朝鮮半島及び関連事件の簡略年代記

1392 - 1910: Korean kingdom (The Kingdom of Joseon) 朝鮮王朝(李氏朝鮮)
1401 - 1895: Jarlig of Korean kingdom (Vassal state in Imperial Chinese tributary system, a semi-autonomous client state or a semi-slavery condition) by Ming and Qing dynasties
* The Korean kingdom had never been fully independent.
* 朝鮮王朝は完全に独立したことが無かった。
1894/7 - 1895/3: First Sino (Qing Empire: China) - Japanese War, which ended as a clear victory for Japan. 日清戦争 (日本の明確な勝利で終結)
1895/04/17: Sino (Qing Empire: China) - Japanese Peace Treaty (Treaty of Shimonoseki) Article 1. Sino renounces the Jarlig (Vassal state, Semi-slavery condition) of Korean kingdom and recognizes the full independence of Korea. 日清講和条約(下関条約) 第1条. 清国は朝鮮王朝の冊封を放棄し、独立国として承認する。
1897 - 1910: Korean Empire, established as a result of “First Sino (Qing Empire: China) - Japanese War” 大韓帝国、日清戦争の結果として樹立
1910: Japan - Korea Annexation Treaty signed by The Empire of Japan and Korean Empire
* The sovereignty of Korea was transferred to The Empire of Japan
1910 - 1945: Annexation of Korean Empire by The Empire of Japan 大日本帝国による大韓帝国の併合
1919/03/01 – 1919/05/20: March 1st (Sam-il) Movement, a public meeting that was held by 33 activists who were aiming the independence of Korea from Japan. Many riots resulting from the meeting were spread throughout Korea, but they were suppressed and put to end within the year.
* After March 1st Movement, the activists formed a self-claimed provisional government of Korea in China, but it was never approved internationally.
「3.1運動(1919年3月1日)」 33人の活動家による独立決起集会、及びその集会に端を発した暴動。 暴動は韓国全土に広がるが、この年内には鎮圧された。
* 3.1運動後、中国に自称韓国臨時政府が形成されたが、国際社会で認められることは無かった。
1939/09/01 - 1945/09/02: World War II
* 1937/07 - 1945/09/02: Second Sino (China)-Japanese War
* 1941/12/08 – 1945/09/02: Asia-Pacific War
* 日中戦争(支那事変)
* 太平洋戦争(アジア太平洋戦争)
1945/09/02: The Japanese Instrument of Surrender signed by Japan and United Nations on the USS Missouri battleship. The end of Asia-Pacific War.
* Japan was defeated.
* Japan renounced the governance of Korea and transferred the administrative power to Korea.
* A provisional government was established in Korea, but it was rejected by the United States.
* Korea was put under the military governance by the United Sates.
* 日本の敗戦
* 日本は韓国統治を放棄、行政権を韓国に移譲
* 臨時政府が朝鮮に樹立されるも、米国により拒否される。
* 韓国は米国の軍政下に置かれる
1948/08/15: Independence of Republic of Korea (South Korea) supported by the United States 米国支援による大韓民国(南朝鮮)の独立
1948/09/09: Independence of Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) supported by Soviet Union ソビエト連邦支援による朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 (北朝鮮)の独立
1950/06/25 - 1953/07/27: Korean Peninsula War (North Korea + Communist China + Soviet Union Vs. South Korea + US + UK)
*40,677 US and 1,257 British soldiers died for South Korea.
* As of 2017, still at war condition in armistice state.
朝鮮半島戦争 (北朝鮮+共産党中国+ソビエト 対 韓国+米国+英国)
*米国兵40,677人と英国兵1,257人が韓国(南朝鮮) のために戦死
* 2017年現在、戦争下における休戦状態
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